
Homeschooling Suggestions

These are programs I recommend for your homeschool

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Sonlight Curriculum

Sonlight Curriculum uses a traditional approach to homeschooling. Order a full package to last a whole year or pick and choose which subjects best fits your family.

Click button below to receive $10 OFF $100 on your first order.

$10 OFF $100+ Order
Kids Cook Real Food offers cooking classes at your own pace.
Kids Cook Real Food
Kids Cook Real Food is a virtual cooking class for kids to go from beginner to advanced in the kitchen. There are 3 different courses that teach 30 kitchen skills. Click the button below to check out these courses.

The best deal is the VIP Lifetime Access which gives you all 3 courses at a 69% discount!

Kids Cook Real Food Virtual Classes
Click to see the current Kids Who Cook Promotions
There are some great deals you don't want to miss out on!
Night Zookeeper
Night Zoo Keeper is a reading and writing curriculum ideal for ages 6-12. This is a full language arts curriculum that teaches writing in a fun way!

Click the button to start your FREE 7-day trial

Night Zoo Keeper FREE 7-day Trial
straight logo
CodeWizardsHQ is the leading online coding school for kids and teens ages 8-18. Adding coding classes to your homeschool is the easiest decision you will make with CodeWizardsHQ. No experience needed for your kids.
Check Out CodeWizardsHQ Here
Greenhouse Music unlocks a world of at home piano lessons.
Greenhouse Music
Greenhouse Music is the ultimate online piano master courses for kids. There are preschool, beginner and more lessons in this program.

The best value is the whole year of piano to receive 50 lessons for 1/3 of the price!!

Check out Greenhouse Music for Virtual Piano Lessons
