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Navigating the Labyrinth of ‘The Measure’: A Rollercoaster of Connection and Tension

From the very beginning of The Measure by Nikki Erlick, I was completely hooked. The story's opening immediately drew me in, but as I delved further, I couldn't help but notice that some parts felt a bit dragged out.

I felt like some of the middle chapters did not add much to the story. Yes, they were good for character development, but it seemed too long to get to the ending.

However, what truly captivated me was the way all the characters eventually converged, creating an intricate tapestry of connections.

This book made me think a lot about how I would handle the situations that arose for each character. Would you choose to know how long you'll live? This is one of those questions that had me thinking the whole book. I honestly flip-flopped back and forth and I'm still not sure if I would want to know how long my life will be. What do you think you would choose?

The other thought I had while I read was how I would treat people who were "short stringers" as they were called in the book. There is some discrimination and I hope that I would be a better person and treat everyone the same regardless of the length of their string. Would you marry and have children with a short string if you were a long stringer? These are the things characters go through during this book.

In the end, this book did drag for me in the middle, but I loved how it all came together at the end. It was a thought-provoking book that I enjoyed reading.

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