I’m thrilled to share with you a FREE live online event that will supercharge your time in the kitchen with your kids.
Katie Kimball, teacher and mom of 4, who has taught thousands of families how to cook and tens of thousands of kids to (gulp) use sharp knives safely (including ours). I think you'll definitely want to be a part of it… and the best part, it's free!
It’s kicking off soon on Thursday, November 9 at 1PM EDT (10AM PDT)
If that time doesn't work for you, there will be a replay so still register!
Here’s a bit of what you’ll learn:
- The Biggest Mistake Parents Make (when inviting their kids into the kitchen) and how to avoid it.
- 3-Step Process to Teach Kids ANYTHING (and apply it in the kitchen)
- What brain science says about HOW to Motivate Kids to Help Out (and eat more healthy food, too!)
- What Skills are Perfect for Your Child’s Age
- When You Can Introduce Sharp Knives to Kids
- How to Start (and supercharge) the "Confidence-Competence" Loop Discovered by Psychologists for your Kids
- The Kids Cook Real Food system for helping little ones who can’t read truly make recipes on their own - this one is like magic!
- How to Build Connection, Confidence and Creativity in your Kids - for Life!
I attended this webinar back in August in which I wrote a review that you can read HERE!
If you’re already registered, awesome! Try to make it live November 9th for the Q&A (Katie will answer questions about healthy eating of any kind!)
But no matter what, you’ll get the replay, so you can register without checking the calendar and still feel good about it.
The live event is totally free and all online. Expect no more than an hour with as much actionable info as possible packed in to respect your valuable time as a parent!!
Don't delay! Fill out this form below to be taken to the registration form.